Bringing Rally to Your Building: What You Need to Know

As an independent ISP, Rally is committed to delivering top-tier service to our customers. Before expanding our network to include a new building, we need to carefully evaluate several factors. This ensures that we can provide the best possible service to the residents and that our investment is well-placed. Here’s a breakdown of what we consider:


Number of Units and Building Age


The size and age of the building are crucial factors. Larger buildings can potentially offer a higher return on investment. Older buildings might present challenges such as outdated wiring and structural issues, while newer buildings might already have modern infrastructure that can facilitate a smoother integration of our services.


Existing Infrastructure


Understanding the current state of the building’s infrastructure is essential. We assess the existing cable and wiring systems to determine what upgrades, if any, are needed to support our fibre optic network. (If your building is older, all is not lost. We can look for creative solutions to address infrastructure issues and ensure reliable internet service.)


Competition and Resident Demand


We evaluate the competitive landscape within the building, including how many ISPs are already providing services and what residents are currently paying for their internet service. Gauging the interest and demand from residents helps us understand how Rally can offer better value, such as more affordable and reliable internet service.


Benefits to Residents


We need to ensure that bringing our network to the building will genuinely benefit the residents. This includes offering faster speeds, more reliable connections, better customer service, and competitive pricing. A thorough cost-benefit analysis helps us understand the financial implications of expanding to a new building. We consider installation costs, ongoing maintenance, and potential revenue.


Access, Permissions, and Resident Involvement


Securing access and permissions from the building owner or condo board is a critical step. Residents can play a crucial role in this process by speaking to the building owners, board members, and other residents to help generate interest and awareness about Rally. This grassroots support can expedite the process, as often the hardest part is initiating the conversation about bringing our service to the building.


Technical and Regulatory Feasibility


We conduct a technical feasibility study to assess whether our technology can be effectively integrated into the building’s existing infrastructure. Ensuring compliance with local regulations and obtaining the necessary permits is essential. This includes right-of-way permits, construction permits, and any other approvals required to lay down our fibre infrastructure.


Network Proximity


We assess how close the building is to our existing network infrastructure. Being “on-net” means the building is already within our service area, which can significantly reduce installation time and costs. Conversely, “off-net” buildings require more extensive work to connect to our network.


The Time Factor


Because we are not a reseller, this process takes some time. Unfortunately, if you are not already in a Rally building, you can’t just sign up for our services and be active the next day. We’re always on the lookout for new locations to add to our network, but here’s why it might take a while for us to get there:


• Infrastructure Deployment: Installing our infrastructure requires careful planning and execution, which includes laying cables, setting up equipment, and ensuring everything meets our quality standards.

• Permits and Approvals: Securing the necessary permits from local authorities can be a lengthy process.

• Building-Specific Challenges: Each building has unique challenges that may affect the timeline, from technical constraints to negotiations with building management.


Types of Buildings We Serve


Rally can bring reliable and affordable internet to all kinds of MDUs, including rental apartments, condos, senior care facilities, basically anywhere a lot of people live. No matter the type of building, we are dedicated to finding solutions that work for you.


How Residents Can Help


Residents can play a crucial role in this process. By speaking to the building owners, board members, and other residents, they can help generate interest and awareness about Rally. This grassroots support can expedite the process, as often the hardest part is initiating the conversation about bringing our service to the building. Residents can “rally” their neighbours, providing us with the leverage needed to move forward more swiftly.


• Engage with Building Management: Speak to the building owner or condo board to express interest in Rally’s services.

• Inform and Rally Neighbours: Share information with other residents to build collective interest and support.

• Host Informational Meetings: Organize meetings where Rally can present the benefits and answer questions.

• Petitions and Surveys: Conduct petitions or surveys to demonstrate strong resident interest.


By carefully evaluating these factors and leveraging the support of interested residents, Rally can ensure that expanding to a new building is both feasible and beneficial for all parties involved. Our goal is to provide superior service and a seamless internet experience to our customers, making their transition to Rally a positive and rewarding one.


Ready to Rally Your Building?

Whether you’re a resident or a decision-maker, you can help bring Rally to your building. Register your building and get the process started by completing our Rally Champ form. Together, we can make affordable, reliable internet available to more Canadians!



RALLY is a local, independent service provider with over 40,000 suites ready to RALLY across Toronto & the GTA, Hamilton, Calgary, Edmonton, Burnaby and Vancouver.  
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