Facilities-Based vs. Third Party Internet Access
Facilities-Based vs. Third Party Internet Access
Or, whose lines are you using?
Facilities-based vs Third Party Internet Access, what’s the difference? Well, the world – and technology – was vastly different just 30 years ago. Back then, before widespread use of the Internet, the big telephone and cable TV companies operated virtual monopolies on their services. As a result, they had full control of the main “legacy” networks and lines that hang over streets or are buried beneath them.
In time, other companies entered the market and were permitted to sell Internet services to Canadians in the spirit of “competition.” However, those mainframe “legacy” lines still belong to the big guys, simply because they had the good fortune of existing in a bygone era. Think of it like a road toll.
There are all kinds of Internet Service Providers out there.
Ever wonder how we can offer gigabit fibre for less than half the price of the big guys?
A common misconception is that there are only two ISPs (we all know who they are…) and everyone else is just hopping on their lines. So when we say we’re independent, what does that really mean?
Everyone has to work with big telco at some point along the way.
The difference is how: Who owns the “Last Mile”?
They may have built the main infrastructure, but as an essential service, the Internet – and affordable access to it – is a right, not a privilege. They are obligated to provide access to other ISPs, not because they want to, but because they have to.
Rally is a Facilities-Based Fibre ISP
The Last Mile is our own.
That means we build, own and operate our independent Fibre-Optic network. We connect to the main pipe so we can deliver Fibre To The Home (FTTH) right to your door with symmetrical gigabit speeds of up to 1000Mbps Download AND Upload. It’s like building our own off-ramp right to your building and directly into your suite.
tl;dr: We use our own lines.
Other ISPs provide Third-Party Internet Access (TPIA)
Also called “Wholesale” Internet or “Resellers”
That means they rent the existing big telco lines in bulk at a fixed wholesale rate and can pass along some savings to you!
Wholesale speeds and rates are regulated by the CRTC for Coaxial (cable) or DSL (phone). Big telco still own & control their network, including the Last Mile. Think of it like a road toll
(But that’s a whole different story…)
It’s cool, and there’s room for everyone!
It’s by no means a perfect system, but the most important thing is that you have more CHOICE.
Unless you’re big telco, then you don’t want any competition… so why would they care about little old us?
Competition brings down the price for everyone, no matter who you choose.
But when you only have two identical providers, that’s not really much of a choice.
Independent ISPs force big telco to lower their prices.
No more gouging. It also lets YOU CHOOSE the provider that meets your needs, not just stuck with what you’ve got.
It’s not cheap Internet, it’s FAIR.
Top 5 things to ask when shopping for a new ISP:
(Or, how to find out if they are Facilities-based vs Third Party Internet Access)
1. What kind of Internet service is it?
(Fibre, Hybrid Fibre, DSL, Cable, Wireless… who’s in charge?)
2. Fibre: Is it to the Home or a Hybrid?
(The farther away it connects from you, the spottier the service.)
3. Is my speed guaranteed and is it symmetrical?
(Dedicated or shared? Equal speeds for downloading & uploading.)
4. What kind of technical support do you provide?
(Is it their own team and technicians, or someone else’s?)
5. Will my price increase over time?
(Read the fine print! Look for any hidden or extra fees & term limits.)
Canadians have a right to fast, reliable and affordable Internet
Let’s Rally together for a FAIR alternative.
Rally is a facilities-based Internet Service Provider based in Toronto, Canada with more than 20 years experience serving Canadians with leading-edge broadband solutions on our own our own independent fibre network.
More answers to your questions can be found in our FAQ.